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Digitalization is a must to accelerate natural gas infrastructure in Indonesia

This Policy Brief recommends digital integration as an enabler of natural gas infrastructure acceleration in Indonesia

Center for Policy and Public Management (CPPM) SBM ITB was invited by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) to present the latest policy brief regarding natural gas infrastructure digitalization on June 23. The policy brief aims to highlight and recommend improvements on a successful digitalization of natural gas infrastructure in gas sub holding. The research employs in-depth interviews with Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) and Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) management as well as the Board of Directors. Data are also collected by Focus Group Discussion from representatives of Operation, Commercial, Finance, and ICT between March 31 to April 18, 2021. Secondary data are obtained from journals, webinar, and other references using digital transformation framework approach, digital maturity assessment, and the 8 Steps for Leading Change from John Kotter for change management processes. The research has been completed by Dr. Agung Wicaksono and Arief Mujiyanto.

This Policy Brief recommends digital integration as an enabler of natural gas infrastructure acceleration in Indonesia. The integration was influenced by new natural gas price regulation, national energy mix target, and sub holding domination over gas infrastructure which is around 96% in Indonesia. PGN-Pertagas digital integration is a National Dispatching Center (NDC) milestone as a national dashboard that integrates operational monitoring to optimize the supply chain particularly at the downstream side. The infrastructure integration acceleration is hoped to push natural gas demand and pipeline utilization in Indonesia in order to accelerate national economic recovery. The complete version of the policy brief can be freely downloaded here.

“ ... whether SBM ITB can help to point out efficiency opportunities within Indonesia oil and gas infrastructures through other research activities.”

The meeting was attended by Direktur Pembinaan Program Migas, Direktur Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Migas, Tenaga Ahli Menteri Bidang Tata Kelola Hilirisasi ESDM, as well as Tim Pendukung Tenaga Ahli Menteri ESDM, and went into constructive discussion. Rosa Permata Sari, Director Technical and Operation of PT Pertamina Gas who is also an alumni of Global Leadership Executive MBA (GLEMBA) at SBM ITB was also present and gave her input to the research. They hope digitalization can be further continued to infrastructures at the upstream side. The corporates in the case study, Pertagas and PGN, were also represented by their BoDs. It also opens up chances whether SBM ITB can help to point out efficiency opportunities within Indonesia oil and gas infrastructures through other research activities. CPPM boards, Dr. Agung Wicaksono and Dr. Yudo Anggoro, agreed and welcomed future research collaboration possibilities with the ministry.

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