Policy is a “wicked problem” with too many stakeholders involved, many stakeholders have different interests, cannot be exhaustively formulated, many explanations for the same problem, every problem is a symptom of another problem, every problem is unique, and no true or false. Thus, there is increasing need of capacity building for policy makers and local leaders in Indonesia.
In regional competitiveness manner, regions compete for better productivity using their resources (people, natural, capital). Local leaders play important role in designing sound policies to increase the regional competitiveness. Therefore, Center for Policy and Public Management provides sound research and empirical evidence in explaining policy and public management process in Indonesia.

Director of Center
Dr. Yudo Anggoro
Our Experts
Prof. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto
Decision Making
Dr. Yos Sunitiyoso
System Thinking
Dr. Yuni Ros Bangun
Prof. Utomo Sarjono Putro
Decision System Science
Dr. Agung Wicaksono
Energy & Transportation Policy

Heru Prasetyo, MBA
Leadership & Sustainable Development
Prof. Wawan Dhewanto
Innovation & Start-Up
Dr. Pri Hermawan
System Science
Dr. Manahan Siallagan
System Science
Dr. Santi Novani
Service Science
Barli Suryanta, MSM., Ph.D
Foreign Direct Investment
External Experts
Dr. Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja
(Investment Committee PLN)
Energy Policy, GCG, Ethics
Abdul Hamid Batubara, MBA
(President Commissioner, Chevron Indonesia)
Energy Policy, Leadership, Ethics
Ahmad Yuniarto, Pg.D
(CEO Pertamina Geothermal Energy)
Energy, Leadership, Scenario Planning
On-Going Research
Evaluation of Buy the Service in Pubic Transportation (in collaboration with Ministry of Transportation)
Future of Mobility - Indonesia 2030
National Food Security (in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture)
Solar PV Renewable Energy Initiative (in collaboration with Imperial College London)
Pyrolysis for Waste Management Application in Tourism Destination (in collaboration with Landscape Indonesia)