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Quo Vadis Satu Tahun Kabinet Indonesia Maju: Bagaimana Skenario Energi dan Transportasi di Masa Depan?

Hampir satu tahun Kabinet Indonesia Maju bekerja, banyak capaian yang telah diraih kabinet Presiden Joko Widodo dan Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin di berbagai sektor. Namun kali ini, Center for Policy and Public Management SBM ITB akan fokus membahas dua sektor yang dinilai paling kritikal bagi masyarakat yakni sektor energi dan transportasi. Bagaimana performa kedua sektor ini dan kemungkinan apa yang dapat terjadi di masa depan?

“Bagaimana performa kedua sektor ini dan kemungkinan apa yang dapat terjadi di masa depan?”

Dengan menggunakan analisis scenario planning, diskusi ini akan menjawab pertanyaan tersebut sekaligus merumuskan langkah antisipasi atas berbagai ketidakpastian yang dapat terjadi.

Research Dissemination.

As a megapolitan city that bears over three million commuters with more than a hundred million trips per day, Jakarta, and surrounding cities (Jabodetabek) strive to build an effective mass transportation system. Currently, the options available to Jabodetabek residents are limited to commuter rail (KRL) and bus rapid transit (BRT, also known as Busway) services, as well as the recently launched mass transportation services: mass rapid transit (MRT) and light rail transport (LRT). Along with the massive development of digital technology, a new mode of transportation has emerged in Jakarta, namely ride-hailing (also known as online transportation). The emergence of ride hailing services certainly enriches choices of mobility in Jakarta’s transportation system. But what is the role and impact on Jakarta's transportation ecosystem especially on commuters’ journeys involving mass public transportation?

“The emergence of ride hailing services certainly enriches choices of mobility in Jakarta’s transportation system.”

To answer this question, Dr. Yos Sunitiyoso along with a research team of SBM ITB, conducted an extensive research aimed at looking at understanding the multimodal journey of commuters and the role of ride hailing in their journey. The research findings and the insights for transport operators, ride hailing services and transport policymakers are discussed with Dr. Agung Wicaksono in this seminar.

A System Approach.

MRT Jakarta as a mass transportation service provider plays an important role in the midst of this pandemic to continue to support community mobility so that the economy and government wheels can run smoothly in the current PSBB transition in DKI Jakarta. With the importance of this role, MRT Jakarta needs to implement a health and safety policy to anticipate and reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading to its service users. To support decision making, MRT Jakarta collaborates with SBM ITB to utilize a system approach to design and evaluate the effectiveness of policies implemented in service operations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 virus spread within the MRT Jakarta facilities.

“With the importance of this role, MRT Jakarta needs to implement a health and safety policy to anticipate and reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading to its service users.”

To support decision making, MRT Jakarta collaborates with SBM ITB to utilize a system approach to design and evaluate the effectiveness of policies implemented in service operations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 virus spread within the MRT Jakarta facilities.

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